
40 Points
3 Years

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Over 3 years ago
Over 3 years ago
@Julio Falcón Sorry I forgot to mention the Marketplace app, it's Beesender Operator (enable to chat with your customers) & Beesender Bot Master (Enable chat conducted by bots), you also can have hybrid chats mixing human with bots... Chat with almost any social…
Over 3 years ago
Hi @Tuslim, did you try, there were a lot of recommendations, also is much just like BPM, is Low Code, you can develop almost any app using it. And if you just want to design and document BPM process you can use Studio free a very useful tool…
Over 3 years ago
What is the use you want to do?, try Creatio Studio, is amazing!, see it on;partner=nodos
Over 3 years ago
Including some Creatio Marketplace apps, you can convert Sales Creatio in a Real 360° Social Sales CRM, including not just the traditional communication channels like phone and Email. In this case could include and trace the communications due using social communications…
Over 3 years ago