We used the product to prepare data for our team. I would prepare SQLs and check them in Oracle Developer, then create workflows in KNIME to manage and process the data, creating specific tables for modeling.
The product is a great alternative because it is not an open-source tool and offers simplicity, making it easier for our large team to use.
Sometimes, we needed more space to handle larger operations, especially since our machines had limited space and memory due to Kubernetes clusters. Breaking up SQLs was necessary to handle the data flow better.
I extensively used KNIME for about one year and at least two months.
The product is quite stable.
The platform is scalable. It is possible to configure the system to effectively manage memory and space requirements.
I rate the scalability a seven out of ten.
The community support is good, and plenty of shared knowledge is available.
We had licensing issues with other tools, but KNIME worked well as an alternative.
We integrated KNIME with Oracle, Apache, and other tools. It allowed us to pull data from various sources, such as Oracle, CSV, and Excel, into one consolidated table, which was very efficient.
Overall, I rate it an eight. It is a good tool, especially for our current requirements. However, there were limitations, such as space issues and occasional process slowdowns due to memory constraints. Despite these challenges, it is a solid product.
I recommend it to other professionals, particularly those who work with diverse datasets and require a flexible tool to manage data flows. It is user-friendly, especially for individuals with a background in Java or Python, as it allows for custom operations and automation, which I found very helpful in my experience.