This is the next generation BI tool, which will be very helpful to small and medium businesses to kick start data exploration and visualization on their diverse databases, with lesser intervention of IT. Yes, this tool is more of end-user centric, gives way more power to end users to perform the data analysis.
Eye-catching infographics, image banks, numerous chart options and functionality for slicing and dicing, amazing recommendation engine which can give more insights to users. Matchless click-to-collaborate features, initiate discussion on data points and context, connect relevant users and dashboards and explore suggestive auto insight.
Panorama helped one of my clients to replace a costly BI tool and bring down the licensing cost and made the tool available to more users globally.
We were able to build a collaborative business intelligence solution, we replaced clients existing process of predictive analysis and forecasting, and provided solutions based on Necto with a lot ease.
The happiest group was surprisingly the business users who readily adapted this new technology after a couple of training sessions. They never had so much of freedom for data analysis.
The thing which I was expecting and is not available as of now was a personal edition for installation on Windows home edition that can come handy when practicing and training other users; I hope they plan to provide that to us soon.
Second thing is the limited support for big data analytics, this again is not very critical at the moment but it is a good to have functionality, and soon once the user are familiar with the basic analysis they will start looking for option like big data analytics, etc.