20 Points
8 Years
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Over 5 years ago
Answered a question: What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
Alteryx is an extremely easy and flexible data tool, flexible in terms of drag and drop toolset and also has python, R integrations if your team requires this
It can handle over 2 billion rows of data in its in-memory engine on a notebook without requiring a server, thus…
Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: BI Tool Replacements, What Do You Recommend?
I may suggest Alteryx + one of the three {PowerBI, Tableau, Qlik}
1) BI tools are either are really bad at ETL (a lot of coding likle DAX or R or Qliks own language) or worse they don't even have the capability
2) Dynamic E-mailing and Scheduling exists in Alteryx,
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM SPSS Modeler: A lot of jobs are tackled pretty quickly due to the automated reporting data preparation. Server installation was too hard and ineffective.
Over 5 years ago
Predictive Analytics