40 Points
5 Years
User Activity
About 2 years ago
Answered a question: What are the benefits of Azure versus AWS?
At one level both providers are about the same. The biggest difference is the billing and service models.If you have a business relationship with Microsoft for other products and services then bundling in Azure could be a win. It may reduce some costs but at the very least…
Over 2 years ago
Answered a question: What are the potential PaaS attack vectors in the cloud?
You have many attack vectors
Firstly, there are the attack vectors that are part of your application and environment but these will be the same independent of where you are.
Beyond that you have the following ones:
1) Anybody with access to the PaaS infrastructure either…
Almost 5 years ago
Answered a question: Infrastructure-as-code vs infrastructure configuration
Infrastructure-as-code is trendier than infrastructure configuration
Infrastructure-as-code has an implication that some form of programmed tools to manage the deployment whereas infrastructure configuration can be done the same way or with binders of information printed on…
About 5 years ago
Answered a question: Does anybody have experience negotiating the terms and conditions with AWS?
If you are not a superpower government or a fortune 500 company you will not have much luck negotiating with Amazon.
Over 5 years ago
Contributed a review of Google Compute Engine: Offers good scalability but it is has a very arcane and complex security environment and projecting costs can be difficult
Over 5 years ago
trying to migrate from a bunch of serverstrying to migrate from a bunch of servers to a cloud environment
Over 5 years ago
Google Compute Engine
About 2 years ago
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
About 5 years ago
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Over 5 years ago