30 Points
4 Years
User Activity
8 months ago
Asked a question: What companies provide solutions similar to Crowdstrike?
Over 2 years ago
Asked a question: How would you go about comparing SAP ERP capabilities ?
Over 2 years ago
Almost 3 years ago
Answered a question: Have you successfully migrated from a best-of-breed enterprise management/monitoring & automation/orchestration platform to the ServiceNow framework?
Hi @Michael Stollery,
Difficult to answer w/o knowing what Business Outcomes (Value) are you looking to realize.
It is NOT as much about migrating from A to B, but more about what incremental or differentiating value are you looking to realize and in what time frame?
Almost 3 years ago
Cybersecurity had been recognized as a Fifth War Domain a while back: Land, Sea, Air, Space, Cyber.
As such, planning for war is important since it provokes managers to THINK.
While the plans that these managers develop are mostly useless since these plans become mostly…
Over 3 years ago
Contributed a review of Fugue: Easy to set up with good flexibility in customization and good reporting
Over 4 years ago
Contributed a review of Fugue: Easy to use and consume, stable with excellent customization
Almost 3 years ago
Project Portfolio Management