User Activity
Over 2 years ago
Replied to BrianCook What is your primary use case for KerioControl?
@Evgeny Belenky, The most expensive hardware they sell (i5-7500 w/ 16gb RAM) is rated for a max of 300 users, you could try running it on your own hardware as they do license it that way but I have no idea if there is a point it will buckle due to coding bottlenecks.
Over 2 years ago
Answered a question: What is your primary use case for KerioControl?
We use it for small to medium businesses who have a need for advanced firewall features but want an affordable solution that has the ability to grow with their business.
Almost 4 years ago
Answered a question: What is your primary use case for Windows Server?
Windows Server is the core of most of our small business clients networks, it holds programs and data, allows secure sharing of data, and provides core network services like User Authentication, DNS, DHCP, and File shares.
About 4 years ago
Replied to Fabrizio Sagrlio What is your primary use case for Ubiquiti UniFi?
@Fabrizio Sagrlio I’m confused by your answer as UniFi easily supports Multiple SSIDs and Bandwidth restrictions through the controller dashboard.
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: What advice do you have for others considering Office 365?
Learn the product before you jump in, it is very powerful, but that means it isn't always easy to manage. Changes can be simple as checking a box, or as complicated as sending PowerShell code, best to know how to use the features you want before you move everyone over.
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: What is your primary use case for Ubiquiti UniFi?
We use it for the ability to manage and make changes at multiple locations from a single dashboard. As an MSP we manage a lot of networks and driving to each site wastes valuable employee time.
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: What do you like most about Ubiquiti UniFi?
Ease of management and lack of licensing fees.
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Ubiquiti UniFi?
I'm confused by this question as it is really easy to get pricing and cost info for Ubiquiti Unifi, for price just go to their website. For cost just ask your distributer or if you don't have one buy it off Amazon. Honestly its almost to easy as clients can find out my price…
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: Which lesser known firewall product has the best chance at unseating the market leaders?
I can think of 2 Firewalls that should be doing much better then they are, Kerio Control and ZyXEL ZyWall. Both have been around for a long time but have never gained the market share I feel they should have and I often find people have never heard of them.
Over 4 years ago
Contributed a review of Ubiquiti UniFi: The cloud management has revolutionized the way we provide services to clients
Over 4 years ago
Contributed a review of KerioControl: Through the ease of how quickly we could roll out the VPN to everybody, we had whole companies remotely working overnight
Over 4 years ago
Ubiquiti UniFi
Almost 4 years ago
Operating Systems (OS) for Business
About 4 years ago
Content Collaboration Platforms
Over 4 years ago
Wi-Fi Hotspot Software
Over 4 years ago
About me
After serving in the Marine Corps where he received advanced training in physical security Brian went on to earn his Bachelors in Telecommunications Management graduating Magna Cum Laude, he has since done IT work in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.