55 Points
7 Years
User Activity
About 6 years ago
Commented on We used it to create a plan to support the company headquarters building with a high-density environment.
Sorry I didn´t see your post. The minimum amout of RAM recommended is 16 GB. I have a HP laptop with 32 GB and when I have to run a multi-floor design, in the Report Generation, the ESS use to spend 20 GB RAM
With 8GB will run but probably you will suffer waiting to…
Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: Compare AirMagnet Survey vs Ekahau, How do I choose?
I have some experience in AirMagnet and a good experience in Ekahau. Now, as we are begining to think in Heterogeneos Networks (Wifi, LTE, LoRa, Zigbee, etc...) we are evalueting IBWave. I have some high density people environment with more than 2000 people in a building…
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of Cisco Wireless: Supports real-time applications such as VoIP and Video Conferencing over wireless
Almost 8 years ago
Contributed a review of Ekahau Site Survey: We used it to create a plan to support the company headquarters building with a high-density environment.
Over 7 years ago
Cisco Wireless
Almost 8 years ago
Ekahau Site Survey
Almost 7 years ago
Network Modeling and Simulation
About 6 years ago
Network Modeling and Simulation
About me
Over 30 years in the area of infrastructure, designed, installed and managed LPWAN, local networks, metropolitan, long distance, data centers Multi-services and Internet portals. I worked in management of public and private companies and various industries like Mining, Ministry, Bank, Storage Logistics and Cargo Transportation, ISP and Telecommunications.
Designed infrastruture, set "basic lines" for operating and monitoring Internet DataCenter Globo Organizations. This DataCenter has a Multimedia structure (voice, image, video and data) with fault tolerance and load balancing in E-Mail services, Data Storage, WebHost, Streaming Audio and Video, Private Network (VPN) and Intrusion Detection systems, which operate according to projects realized.
In Californa, San Jose (Silicon Valley), performed by the manufacturer NetworkAppliance a correction project Operating System of NetworkCaches to launch the Internet site of Xuxa.
I have great capacity for analysis and planning for management teams on projects or problems to provide excellent results in short, medium and long term for companies.