30 Points
5 Years
User Activity
Almost 2 years ago
Answered a question: Which BPA tool would be the best choice tool for entry-level businesses?
Try with AuraQuantic with 20 users minimum acquisition. AQ is an excellent tool.
Over 2 years ago
Contributed a review of AuraQuantic: User-friendly solution with zero code feature
About 4 years ago
Contributed a review of AuraQuantic: Helps organizations improve their work processes
About 5 years ago
Answered a question: Which is the best Workflow Automation Platform with microservices?
Aura portal is the solution!
- It's a zero-code Plattform and it's easy to do whatever process you want.
- It's a Spanish big eBPMs solution.
Look at the first link and then look for the one which talks about zero code.
Over 5 years ago
Almost 2 years ago
Process Automation
About 5 years ago
Business Process Management (BPM)