40 Points
11 Years
User Activity
Almost 4 years ago
Answered a question: What are viable alternatives to SAP Business Objects Enterprise?
Managements want to get rid of a lot of things but at the end of the day some other guys are responsible for the seamless replacement and migration of those things :)
BO lets you set your reporting layer(Universe in BO World) on ANY data model with any complexity,…
About 9 years ago
Commented on Using Xcelsius dashboard instead of Qlikview
My excitement abaut Xcelsius is within limits, if only because of missing aggregate engine. "Dragging in and out of dimensions on the dashboard" should be a standard feature.
Over 9 years ago
This review communicates real, hands-on experience.
Almost 10 years ago
Commented on We found the deployment of SAP BO to be very complex, and the initial setup complex as well
Best on publication functionality especially if you dont schedule the publication:-). it doesnt work since we are on 4.1 SP5 namely. Tech Support is really sick I agree. If you have a major problem, be ready to discuss to death with the support engineer over a ticket.
Almost 10 years ago
Commented on We found the deployment of SAP BO to be very complex, and the initial setup complex as well
It is awkward to install and use BO in a project at school for a project. I would have preferred a simpler and smarter BI solution. BO is a BI SUITE tailored for large enterprises busy with diverse tasks and problems , which are probably irrelevant for school projects. I…
Almost 10 years ago
For us big enterprises, Tableau is not suitable as the main BI suite. Ve careful about that. You need a main tool- BO / Cognos etc, and as a niche complementary data discovery tool you may have Tableau
Semantic layer, account management, data governance, those you cannot…
About 10 years ago
Commented on LifeCycle manager needs more stability but Web Intelligence for its ad-hoc ability is a valuable feature
An upgrade in SAP BO is a hard, resource consuming job. Dont underestimate it.
About 10 years ago
Answered a question: I'm comparing SAS VA vs. SAP BOBJ -- main differentiating factor?
SAS VA is a data discovery tool where business users can primarily do lightweight data mining activites on their own with the help of IT. Be sure that you have placed it right. It s counterpart in the BO world is Lumira which doesnt belong to BO BI Suite, thus paid…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: At what point does a business typically invest in building a data warehouse?
At the point where it's reporting/analytical requirements are not fulfilled i.e
- reporting on the transactional systems must be carefully done so the business cannot get its reports as soon/fast as it demands.
- combined reports…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: Spotfire vs. QlikView. What can one do which the other cannot?
QV dashboards are clearly fancier, normally they're faster too because of in-memory architecture
In return QV has almost nothing with regard to analytical/data mining capabilities Spotfire has. Another plus for Spotfire: you can dimension your environment linearly. By QV…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: Tableau vs. Business Objects - Which is a better solution for visualization and analysis?
Sure, if you have the desktop, you need the server product to publish your results. Then considering Tableau server is absolutely legitimate
Using Tableau desktop should be able to free up IT-resources already. You can ask the BO fans in the company, - in the case of…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: QlikView or Tableau - Which is better?
There is a fourth level, where no tool helps anymore. It is custom sql development. To cover that, you should have a (IT-) team who does the development. If you want to pass on that responsibility to the business too, you may consider a sandbox solution in addition to a…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: QlikView or Tableau - Which is better?
I agree with jhornber. Additionaly, as of today, QV is a in memory tool. You first load your summary tables into the memory than start analyzing. Tableau can direct query the DB or load the data with its own patented columnar database onto disc and start querying it. QV has…
About 11 years ago
Commented on QlikView vs Tableau
From the end-user point of view Qlikview is better, you can prepare more beautiful dashboards
From the rapid development and data discovery point of view Tableau is surpassing. You need only a db connection and you are on the way..
I would not even classify Qlikview as as…
Almost 4 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
About 10 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Over 10 years ago
Data Warehouse
Over 10 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Almost 11 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Over 9 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Almost 10 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Almost 10 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Almost 10 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
About 10 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools