40 Points
8 Years
User Activity
About 7 years ago
Answered a question: Was your research of Enterprise Flash Array products on our site for a purchase? If not, what was it for?
The research was primarily used for the latest options, features in a flash array, this was for a purchase we were intending to follow through with
HP 3 Par 8200
Yes, lost of great feedback from the flash community
Thank you
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Do you have an RFP template for Enterprise All-Flash?
I do not use an RFP Template. Most, if not all of our storage decision making has been geared towards vendor showcase, trial products. and vendor relations. I typically bring in the startup flash storage vendors and compare to the enterprise leaders.
About 7 years ago
All-Flash Storage
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Almost 8 years ago