40 Points
5 Years
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Almost 6 years ago
Rujuswami, solid review! It's good to hear somebody at least talk about TCO over the life of an investment and when you mention how your upfront CAPEX expense is "balanced by the reduction in the amount of effort human effort involved in babysitting the storage system" it…
Almost 6 years ago
Answered a question: Other solutions comparable to IBM FlashSystem with regard to performance?
Research them all if you want, ask all the vendors lots of questions and challenge what they claim. Ask them for customer references so you can talk to actual users. Pure is not more have to look at the life of your investment and data migrations…
Almost 6 years ago
Answered a question: Other solutions comparable to IBM FlashSystem with regard to performance?
Pure Storage PURPOSE-BUILT Flash systems (FlashArray, FlashBlade...). Nothing can touch their architecture and their Evergreen model of ownership is nuts!
Almost 6 years ago
All-Flash Storage