User Activity
Over 10 years ago
Commented on What do you like best about IT Central Station and which areas have room for improvement?
Excellent opportunities to discuss with peers areas of interest and developement within my field of expertise and to seek advice on the new and emerging technologies in modern infrastructure.
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: Which is better—Box or Dropbox?
Having used both I am too in the camp of Box followers simply because it is more secure and there is a great storage space in the free option. Dropbox has gained a lot of fans from the younger market as it is quick and easy to use but it is also fairly limited in its…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: Which Ethernet switch do you use? Why?
We use Cisco 2960's at our edge stacks which are easy stackable and give you the option of 10gig or 1 gig to the edge. As we use each on different campus' this gives us the freedom to deploy devices from one source at each location. We also use POE from the switches to run…
Over 10 years ago
Contributed a review of Aruba Networks Wireless WAN: Still offering us the solution we need but unhappy with the new controller upgrades
Almost 11 years ago
New Fibre LAN and Edge Stacks to 15 locations over 8 Block CampusNew Fibre LAN and Edge Stacks to 15 locations over 8 Block Campus
Almost 11 years ago
New Data Centre UPS and AIr Con for two main Data CentresNew Data Centre UPS and AIr Con for two main Data Centres
Over 10 years ago
Aruba Networks Wireless WAN
About me
I like to live happy, work enthusiastically and be part of a helpful active team who set out as their goals to present solutions to the challenges of a typical day at work in the simplest and most efficient way.
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Almost 11 years ago
Almost 11 years ago