60 Points
10 Years
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Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Help! Need an opensource backup solution to work with OVM, Linux, Windows, Sql server, Exchange, Sharepoint. Plus bare metal recovery.
The tough requirement you have is bare metal backup. Bacula or Amanda can handle the rest. Try looking on sourceforge.
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Help! Need an opensource backup solution to work with OVM, Linux, Windows, Sql server, Exchange, Sharepoint. Plus bare metal recovery.
Both Bacula and Amanda can meet your requirement, and Bacula definitely does BARE METAL Recovery, I think AMANDA does also. These guys have no idea how good both of these apps are nowadays. Plus you can get the code.
Don't be bullied.
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Difference between informatica and SAP
Remember, both Informatica and SAP, are HUGE suites of software
It would seem that if you wanted to integrate them, you would look more at the modules.
One module from Informatica, might put out information useable by SAP for ERP and production.
For instance, Informatica…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Difference between informatica and SAP
SAP in it's core elements, is basically ERP. Enterprise Requirements planning
That means it tries to provision the enterprise, on time, with what it needs to do business.
Informatica seems to be more for Data Mining, Data Warehousing, and Business Intelligence.
(This is…
About 10 years ago
Answered a question: Informatica vs. MuleSoft vs. SnapLogic vs. CastIron - can you help?
My experience with ESB has mainly been Oracle based, for Oracle SOA projects.On ESB for the support of applications, I have built ESB services for Websphere.Again, the ESBs there seem pretty slaved to the applications they support.They do their job pretty well, and allow…
About 10 years ago
OpenStack and Virtualization deployment for IBMOpenStack and Virtualization deployment for IBM
Over 7 years ago
Backup and Recovery
Over 7 years ago
Backup and Recovery
About 10 years ago
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
About 10 years ago