20 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Comparison of Barracuda F800, SonicWall 5600 and Fortinet
Looks like WatchGuard is doing a really bad job in it's marketing, as it's in many aspects superior to other firewall vendors - when you are really into security and not just to have a box, that you will set up and forget
The biggest mistake in firewalling and security is…
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: Sophos XG vs Fortigate UTM
When comparing ASIC vs Intel architectures, the biggest problem lies in the data, that vendors make available. Today Fortinet (ASIC) lists NGFW throughput, while they published only AV throughput in the past. Sophos (Intel) and Juniper (ASIC) list only AV throughput and…
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: Sophos XG vs Fortigate UTM
According to the listed Sophos appliance model, this seems to be a very small shop - or someone has made a wrong recommendation regarding the model
Both vendors should not have any problems with any kind of switches. Problems could start come up, when you have to support…
Almost 10 years ago
Commented on Site to site VPN is easy, but it's very expensive.
@finny47 - If you want to make a step forward and start segmenting your network on the firewall, than you need every bit of throughput a box can deliver.
If you stay on the classical flat network architecture, than you are right.
Almost 10 years ago
Commented on The multi-WAN feature allows us to configure multiple external interfaces but the initial setup always is complex.
This is no special SonicWall feature. Practically every multiwan solution including WatchGuard uses this approach.
Almost 10 years ago
Regarding the reporting - are you using Dimension or still the old log&report server? Dimension is a big step forward!
Almost 10 years ago
Answered a question: Cyberoam or Fortinet?
I would suggest you to have a serious look at WatchGuard
It has great price/performance, but what is even more important, is the quality and performance of their UTM services.
WatchGuard uses Websense Triton for web filtering and their HTTPS inspection is unbeatable.…
Almost 10 years ago