55 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Almost 8 years ago
Contributed a review of Drupal: The key differentiator to other solutions is the way that content is structured and managed.
Almost 10 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Load Testing Tools, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
Be able to see the thing.. testing as a service, without the hassle of installation, setup, configurations and so on is the main key.. after that the features and how they are designed for use..
Almost 8 years ago
Almost 10 years ago
Performance Testing Tools
About me
Operating Systems: Unix variants (Solaris, Linux, MacOsX), Windows;
Databases: MySQL and variants (MariaDB), Oracle;
Multimedia: Photoshop, Gimp;
Programming: Java, PHP,.NET, Ruby, HTML5, CSS3, Shell Scripting; Javascript, JQuery;
Monitoring: HP Openview; Monit; Nagios
Webservers: Apache httpd, nginx, Sun One;
Application servers: Apache Tomcat, Oracle Weblogic;
Continuous Integration: Cruise Control, Unit Tests;
Virtualization: Vmware, VirtualBox;
CMS: Drupal, Vignette(VAP,VCM,Dialog)
E-learning: Moodle;