55 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Over 8 years ago
Commented on Cognos BI is fairly easy to use provided you have a good data structure/framework under the hood.
Question: what was the source of the success? The tool in itself, or the acceptance by the organization of the data processed by it? What convinced internal stakelholders to rely on the version of the truth represented by the Cognos tooling?
Over 9 years ago
Hello Azhar
I am absolutely very interested in what you have to tell about Informatica. Actually, it is used widely in the Energy Company I work for in Holland, Essent (although not in the team I work with). I hear many different comments about Informatica. It is rumoured…
Over 9 years ago
Commented on The jobstreams makes grouping steps fairly easy, but lookup stability needs to be improved.
My main point is: if used correctly, the Cognos Datamanager can be a very effective tool for ETL, and in the end BI
My opinion is that BI and ETL cannot be seperated that easily. If data are not presented in a way the end user (or business, or any other relevant actor) can…
Over 9 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM Cognos: The jobstreams makes grouping steps fairly easy, but lookup stability needs to be improved.
Over 9 years ago
Commented on Gave our organisation more insight in its data, and also in the gaps which were there (and still are).
Hello Mike
Well, modernized or not, I think that the Cognos datamanager is simply reaching the end of the road. Its look and feel are somewhat outdated, and not that much has been done to fix that. I hope Datastage will be an improvement. Especially when an organisation has…
Over 9 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM Cognos: Gave our organisation more insight in its data, and also in the gaps which were there (and still are).
Over 9 years ago
IBM Cognos
Over 9 years ago
IBM Cognos
Over 8 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Over 9 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Over 9 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
About me
I can offer a lot of experience in the use of data and databases for decisionmaking. For me the challenge is to make the best and most effective use of data for all kinds of decisionmaking (policy, strategic, operational).
datawarehouses, ETL, and business intelligence on large databases (up to 200 mln records)
statistics, monitoring and analysis of neighbourhoods (especially poorer ones)
statistics, monitoring and analyses of youth delinquency (especially ethnic backgrounds and chances for recidivism)
statistics and monitoring of dutch primary education (especialy school results and black and white schools)