40 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Almost 9 years ago
Answered a question: Veeam vs. Dell AppAssure vs. ShadowProtect
Look at veeam instant recovery feature.
About 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Aruba ClearPass: ClearPass Guest allows us to build a structured external captive portal with customized landing page for each customer.
About 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Stormshield Endpoint Security: We can make a list of whitelisted application based on their vendor certificate, and not the application name.
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: We're evaluating Tripwire, what else should we consider?
i use Stormshield Endpoint Protection "" , you can configure in only witelist application checking the application certificate id and is very good to prevent cryptolocker attack.
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: VMware ESXi or VMware Workstation?
Esxi is a bare metal product so is optimized for guest's performance
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: Fortinet vs Sophos? Help choose a NGFW solution that can replace Microsoft TMG.
take a loot also to this solution
this has a better UTM based on RFCs, Sophos is always the best for proxy features
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: New Relic or Zabbix?
look at this -->
Zabbix is very powerfoul for web application monitoring
About 9 years ago
Commented on It has improved WiFi security and guest on-boarding to our networks, but it needs to be more vendor independent.
"It could be more vendor independent."
why you tell this? i use clearpass guest module for hotspot build on chillispot (so opensource based devices) and radius coa works well
Over 9 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Network Performance Monitoring, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
i use zabbix nms for snmp and wmi monitoring and graylog for syslog message analysis, also i monitor graylog from zabbix using the api (a simple script based on curl and jq)
actually i monitor more than 1300 devices and zabbix feature like remote proxy, graphical maps and…
Over 9 years ago
Commented on An application firewall would be useful but groups can be created with IP services, subnets and network masks in one.
stormshield v2.2 is a great product, if your fw is an u250S you can upgrade to stormshield firmware, if is only u250 please contact your reseller for a tradeup
Over 9 years ago
i see now the topic is under ver 7 and 8.. netasq is in version 9 .. maybe a fw upgrade can help
Over 9 years ago
what version are you using? still netasq firmware or stormshield
stormshield v2.2 is very stable.
is your firewall crashing (so under /log you can find some *.core files or maybe you've spoofing alarms?)
on netasq in bridge mode sometimes you've spoofing issues not for…
About 9 years ago
Aruba ClearPass
About 9 years ago
Stormshield Endpoint Security
About 9 years ago
Over 9 years ago
Network Monitoring Software
About 9 years ago
Network Access Control (NAC)
Over 9 years ago
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
Over 9 years ago
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
Over 9 years ago
Unified Threat Management (UTM)