55 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Over 8 years ago
Contributed a review of TeamViewer: Remote access software enabling troubleshooting regardless of location.
About 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Spiceworks: It provides a centralized system through which all IT requests are funnelled, with requests being auto-assigned a ticket number.
About me
Stephanie is well rounded in many aspects of technology, from general research/troubleshooting to managing and learning new, exciting geek things.
Stephanie is proficient at giving humor-filled, yet poignant, presentations and combines her love of teaching and ability to find solutions with the desire to impart wisdom and help elevate those around her. She respects the team culture and realizes the well-oiled machine functions optimally when all parties work together.
By leveraging the creative and analytical parts of her grey matter, Stephanie is able to wear many hats and tackle just about any project (world domination is taking longer than originally planned!). After all, most "things" to be fixed require tenacity, research, and a creative way to put that knowledge to use.
Stephanie is an MCP and has earned her A+ certification. She is a graduate of the Art Institute of Charlotte for Multimedia/Web Design.