55 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of Jenkins: It makes the release faster by adding an automated deploy and automation tests
Over 7 years ago
Commented on An overview of the Selenium Suite
I upgraded our selenium to 3 and chromedriver is working fine but gecko driver 0.19. So I downgraded to 0.17, the issues gone.
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of AWS Lambda: Develops release pipeline faster but no shell script is supported
Almost 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Galen Framework: It provides test reports in both JSON and HTML formats.
About 8 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Release Automation, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
When I see this question, something popped up in my mind
1. What is your company's expectation from automation including budget, time and scope.
2. tools selection base on your company's need
3. architecture/infrastucture base on your company's need
4. Which departments…
About 8 years ago
Commented on The cross browser testing functionality helped us to find issues quicker in specific browsers.
Jenkins is free and it has so many plugins even.
I experienced 2 migrations to Jenkins from TeamCity and CircleCI because of the growing automation needs.
(Sorry, I wanted to post this comment in the Build tools area. And it seems I cannot delete this comment now.)
About 8 years ago
Commented on BrowserStack and Sauce Labs work with it. It also can work with most of programming languages.
It depends on which type of the windows dialog
If it is a new browser dialog, selenium is able to click the button on that dialog by using switch windows method because your main window is window 1, then selenium opened a new one(the windows dialog) is window 2, switch to…
Almost 9 years ago
Answered a question: Anyone have a good example of a Test Automation Business Case?
we should clarify the requirements first and then we can find the suitable tools.
1. you said "development takes on most of the testing", which type of testing they do? UI functional testing? Integration testing? unit testing? and I guess your company asks you to find…
About 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Selenium HQ: BrowserStack and Sauce Labs work with it. It also can work with most of programming languages.
About 9 years ago
Contributed a review of CircleCI: It's quite easy to run Selenium tests in it.
About 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Jenkins: My experience with Jenkins and TeamCity for CI
Over 7 years ago
About 9 years ago
Selenium HQ
About 8 years ago
Release Automation
Almost 9 years ago
Functional Testing Tools
About 8 years ago
Functional Testing Tools
About 8 years ago
Functional Testing Tools
About me
My slogan: Automated every steps in the release/delivery pipeline not every test cases
If you have interest in automation tests, please check my projects, I hope they will help you.
Experienced QA automation tester (9+ years)
Highlight of skills
automation testing(selenium)
manual testing
API testing
Technical Skills
1) iPhone
2) qualcomm BREW
-- Software
Java/JSP/OOP PHP/C++/SAS/ ASP programming/ CSS/AJAX/XHTML and etc
QA/Software testing/releasing/system integration
Unit testing : PHPUnit/PEAR/Junit
Testing experience in white box, black box testing, functionality testing, load testing, performance testing and atuo-testing: selenium.
Defect trace, bug report system, logs filtering and relative skills for testing.
AWK/Perl/ shell script/ regular Expression
Framework: Hibernate(HQL), Maven, Jquery and etc
OS: Unix/Solaris/ SunOS/ Linux/ HP-UX/ SCO-Unix/ windows
Database: SQL, Oracle/ Sybase/ DB2/ SQL Server/ MySQL/Jasmine
Application Server: Tomcat/Websphere/ Weblogic/glassfish
webServer: IIS/ Apache
Parallel programming with C++
Emacs, Cygwin/x, exceed/Kerberos/ VPN/SSH/Filezilla, Eclipse/NetBeans/Intellij, VISIO etc
Version control: CVS/SVN/GIT
CI System: Teamcity/Jenkins/CircleCI
Test Framework: TestNG, Junit, Pyunit, PHPunit, RobotFramework
Tools: selenium and etc
Sun Certified Java Programmer (2008)
Specialties: QA analyst
Technical QA
QA Developer
PHP/Java Web Developer
software engineer