40 Points
8 Years
User Activity
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Looking for recommendations for a service contract to de-identifiy patient data in databases.
I have been very impressed with the functionality BlueCore offers
They have a masking solution that can be used with relational and non relational data sources which is a critical requirement at Census. They also have the ability to preserve the…
About 8 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Data Warehouse solutions, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
Ease of use in finding and retrieving data. Having the data stored without providing the meta data for the user is of no value. it needs an interface with access to data that provides more than key word search.
Almost 9 years ago
Answered a question: Oracle Exadata vs. HPE Vertica vs. EMC GreenPlum vs. IBM Netezza
Depends what you want to do. Exadata is a hardware solution ORACLE offers to increase performance for high volume data processing, plays very well if you are an ORACLE shop. If you tech stack is IBM based, DB2, Websphere etc then I would certainly look at Netezza…
Over 7 years ago
Test Data Management
About 8 years ago
Data Warehouse