User Activity
Almost 8 years ago
Almost 8 years ago
Commented on New Elevation of Understanding Cloud Based Services.
Interesting, and the offer in the cloud: "as a a Service" in Business Management in company and intercompany
.- Blockchain as a Service
.- Hyperledger as a Service
.- XBRL & IFRS as a Service
Interesante, y la oferta en la nube: "como un Servicio" en Gestión…
Almost 8 years ago
Commented on Choosing an ERP Solution: What Do Users Look For?
Interesting, and the offer in the cloud: "as a a Service" in Business Management in company and intercompany
.- Blockchain as a Service
.- Hyperledger as a Service
.- XBRL & IFRS as a Service
Interesante, y la oferta en la nube: "como un Servicio" en Gestión…
Over 6 years ago
Thank you for your application - Blockchain Competition for Finance
Margarethe Steffens <>
3 de agosto de 2018, 13:25
Over 6 years ago
Unique Currency based on Markets IntegrationUnique Currency based on Markets IntegrationUnique currency based on markets integration generates synergy compared to unique currency based on market expansion
Over 6 years ago
UaaS University as a ServiceUaaS University as a Service
Good Your Idea, Shai Reshef: "After I sold KIT eLearning and the rest of my businesses, I felt that it was my turn to give back. Having learned the power of education, it was clear to me that, while educating one would change a life, educating…
About me
I am a system engineer with nationalities: Spanish, Venezuelan, also Polish and German in the process.
► resolve incidence of application Siebel in TEST or UAT environment with Siebel Tools configuring column in table, field in business component, control in applet y view in screen.
► write in English the documents functional, mapping and requirement matrix for factory in India build migration process.
► load in table EIM columns necessary for generate each ROW_ID in table base and for resolve each foreign key required. Also, columns necessary for resolve the access to data according to position and visibility of data according to Organization.
► build data mapping and workflow with Oracle Warehouse Builder, Informática PowerCenter and SQLServer DTS.
► module for accountant register of sales by TPV, and system of affiliations and billing, in JDEdwards OneWorld.
► administration system of subscribers built with PERL, HTML, JavaScript and SQLServer, for access by Internet.
► workflow outline by relationship between task that triggers event and for each it execute activity, as relational scheme as programming of module that create that relation task-event-activity, in Informix NewEra.
► module for show and load of amounts in similar form to Excel for system of market consultation built it in C and Sybase.
► budget system in Clipper; and module for bills of paying in SQL*Forms and PL/SQL Oracle.
► automated model to identify plans to capture of know-how in organizations; built in CSP with routines in PL/1 to access files VSAM and execute heuristic algorithm.
► development of systems: analysis, design and programming.
► migration of data to Siebel data model using EIM Siebel and resolve incidence configuring with Siebel Tools.
► analyze, design and programming of applications, reports and conversion of table of JDEdwards OneWorld.
► create relational scheme, procedures PL/SQL Oracle, functions, trigger and SQL querys with TOAD, PL/SQL Developer.
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Over 6 years ago
Over 6 years ago
Over 6 years ago