40 Points
11 Years
User Activity
Over 9 years ago
Commented on I don't need to have a cluster because it's stable, but rules are not intuitive and the admin UI needs improvement.
When you're looking for something it BETTER be in the last place you look! Continuing the search after finding it is just silly
Seriously, I have had similar issues with rules being obtuse, and I have experience with about a dozen firewalls. Like other IT tech, 'intuitive'…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: What's the most surprising cause of a network issue you've discovered on your network?
Hmm, the most surprising issue (not for me, but management) has been power outages. I worked at a local heath department until recently, and of course we were emergency responders, required to be operational even during earthquakes, storms and volcanic eruptions. Management…
Over 10 years ago
Commented on Using Cisco ASA CX Firewall To Protect Your Network
Interesting use of video David. Normally I like to have text rather than video, but showing the interface more than makes up for that
I'm glad to see that Cisco is finally modernizing their firewall technology. It would be useful to have a comparison with other next-gen…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: Best way to create a firewall policy for a large company, that is secure but doesn't require too much maintenance?
There is a difference between the policies that govern a firewall and the technical rules that implement those policies. Good policy doesn't change much from a tiny network - even a single system - to the largest multinational
Policy comes from management. You, the SME…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: What advice would you give to others looking into implementing a mid-market monitoring solution?
So, what's a 'mid market solution', anyway? The answers are all over the place; it could mean the classic 200-1000 seat network on one end, all the way to medium size Enterprises. But, having worked at (and consulted for) organizations both bigger and smaller I'll take a…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: Why use active and passive monitoring for a web site?
Great answers here. The only thing I'll add is that probes or robots allow testing before deployment, something that shops of your size frequently ignore as being too difficult/costly/technical for the existing staff. They also step outside the 'self-diagnosis' problem…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: How do the various System Monitoring solutions compare?
Hard to compare fairly; not only do we need comparative experience with the leading platforms it's important to know what YOUR needs and environment are. Barring that, we can provide our experience
No experience with either Oracle or Catchpoint, I do have a bit of…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: Which is the best asset manager?
'Best' is a slippery concept. I'm not familiar with LSP work (which is critical), and without knowing your size, scope and needs any definitive statement is going to be a guess. Best I can do is note that anytime you use an 'all in one' product there are more compromises…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: Should we choose Nagios or PRTG?
I don't have a chart as such - as I've said before, matrices are highly subjective and the common error is to ignore the inherent biases built in. Building your own does not take much time or effort, and the exercise gives good insight into the biases YOU build in. More, as…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: Do you have an Evaluation Criteria Matrix for APM or other software you can share with the community?
Interesting approach Bill, I'll have to think about it
Rusty, I don't have an evaluation matrix either - frankly I've never needed to build a matrix to make a decision, but they are useful to explain or defend a choice. I'm more used to testing, reading and finding…
About 11 years ago
Commented on Strengths include steady development and strong focus on Windows but don't install it on a multi purpose server
First, I hope you've updated - the current release (10.6) of NPM has some really neat features, like instant access to server error logs and process monitors. Second, if you're just using the Network Performance Module (NPM) you're missing a lot. Application monitoring gives…
About 11 years ago
Contributed a review of Fortinet FortiGate: Fortinet has a strong reputation at the high end, but for midsize shops there are more affordable options
Over 11 years ago
Commented on SolarWinds NPM can monitor all SNMP supported devices in real time. But why can't it run in Chrome?
Tina, Wireshark is NOT network monitoring, but rather packet analysis. Think broad overview of the network vs. in-depth analysis of transactions on one part of your network. Both have value, and both are necessary
As I said, Wireshark is packet analysis. It allows capture…
About 11 years ago
Fortinet FortiGate
Over 10 years ago
Network Monitoring Software
Over 10 years ago
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Over 10 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Almost 11 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
About 11 years ago
Network Monitoring Software
Over 11 years ago
Network Monitoring Software