20 Points
7 Years
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Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: BI Tool Replacements, What Do You Recommend?
I can take up Issues in a Good Number of Technology Areas Viz. O.S, RDBMS, AI & ML, HCI, Pervasive Computing, S/W Engg, Languages, Algorithms etc.
I am superannuating this October'2018. Maybe I can associate in a Formal Capacity?
Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: BI Tool Replacements, What Do You Recommend?
I am recommending (i) Elastic Search (Highly Scalable) (ii) Logstash (DWH, ETL etc.) (iii) Kibana (Visualisation) (iv) R for Data Analysis in "Kibana"
It is an ultimate Platform.
Note: There is a Downside of "Kibana" i.e (a) a bit complex to develop scripts (b)…