55 Points
7 Years
User Activity
Over 6 years ago
Answered a question: Nimble Storage vs Pure Storage, which do you recommend?
As a user of both Nimble and Pure, I would find it very hard to select a winner between the two. I totally agree with Shu that it really is a "Chevy versus Ford" comparison. Both are very easy to use, both have brilliant diagnostics and performance monitoring. It probably…
Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: Dell EMC Unity vs NetApp All Flash FAS, which do you recommend?
Companies looking for a an all flash system will be swayed by 3 main factors: What storage vendor they already have, price and how well the proposed solution is marketed/sold. Feature comparison normally comes about 5th on a list of the most heavily weighted factors. In my…
Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: Compare EMC Data Domain and HPE StoreOnce. Which is better?
I have used DataDomains for many years now. Once you get over the initial price tag and look at cost/TB (realised), it really is good value. The features in the newer DDOS versions match or are better than anything else I have ever seen/heard of. I have several sites that…
About 7 years ago
Answered a question: How do NetApp All Flash FAS and Pure Storage compare? Let the community know what you think.
I'm afraid my experience with Netapp arrays has not been a good one. My experience is mainly with FAS, but lately with AFF arrays. Their architecture has "evolved" from NAS and it shows. By comparison PureStorage is very simple to install, run, maintain and expand…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Dell EMC XtremIO Flash Storage OR Hitachi Virtual Storage F Series
In response to your question:
If the choice is between Dell EMC XtremIO and Hitachi Virtual Storage F series, I must preface my recommendation with 2 caveats:
· It is apparent the user has a specific set of requirements that require very low latency with a very…
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM FlashSystem: One screen to control multiple arrays means simplified administration
Over 7 years ago
IBM FlashSystem
About 7 years ago
All-Flash Storage
About me
Technical Specialist in IT infrastructure and backups. I Have worked in NZ for the past 24 years. In the past 12 years I have specialised as a consultant in SAN solutions, and more recently desiogning and implementing backup and DR solutions.
SAN storage - Highly experienced in selling, configuring and administration of:
DellEMC, IBM, Nimble, HP 3PAR, Pure Storage
Backups - Certified in Commvault (V11), Veeam (V9), Networker(V8 and 9).
BCP-DR, virtualisation with VMware,
Email archiving: Veritas Enterprise Vault.