40 Points
11 Years
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Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: BI Tool Replacements, What Do You Recommend?
Any of the major BI platforms will do what you want
My honest opinion is to look at your company’s vendors and pick one that has served you well in the past.
I have used Business Objects, Cognos, MS and Meta-Strategy in the past and they all have lots of unused capability…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Microsoft sql2017 VS SAP Hana
The databases are completely different and I mean completely different
Hana is an in-memory, columnar database that can mimic a row store in some cases.
SQL Server is anything from a classic relational DB to a distributed parallel warehouse, PDW.
If you are implementing…
About 11 years ago
Application Development ProjectWorked on an international team to check and reconcile design, planning and build data for a large commercial airplane
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
About 11 years ago