40 Points
6 Years
User Activity
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: Looking for recommendations and a pros/cons template for software to detect insider threats
In addition to responsesfrom Xavier Suriol and reviewer1324719, also consider ObserveIT from Proofpoint.
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: What are the top 5 PAM solutions that can be implemented which cover both hybrid and cloud?
CentrifyOne identity
These are the big players. While they can all do PAM, things you should consider in making a choice include have a success criteria, what you want to achieve, cost, ease of implementation and management, scalability, etc…
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: Endpoint DLP for Mac Network
Have you tried McAfee ePO and DLP ?
Over 4 years ago
Contributed a review of McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator: Great graphical interface, good log events, and a simple setup
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: How was the 2020 Twitter Hack carried out? How could it have been prevented?
The use of two factor authentication by Twitter
Almost 5 years ago
Contributed a review of Portnox: Identifies location of a device on a switch to verify if a user's challenge is network or device related
About 6 years ago
Contributed a review of AlgoSec: The configuration backup feature is helpful to restore configuration when the config file is corrupted
Almost 5 years ago
Implemented and delivered a Network Access Control SolutionImplemented and delivered a Network Access Control Solution in 2 weeks
Over 4 years ago
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator
About 4 years ago
User Activity Monitoring
Over 4 years ago
Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Over 4 years ago
Application Security Tools
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Almost 5 years ago