55 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What Is The Biggest Difference Between Sophos UTM and Sophos XG?
The biggest difference between Sophos SG and Sophos XG is performance.
Now, there's even a newer Hardware Platform (same OS as Sophos XG, which is called SFOS) - the Sophos XGS which has different chipset architecture, to attend each security module, with its newest feature…
Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: Which would you recommend to your boss, Fortinet FortiGate or Sophos UTM?
I would definitely recommend for ease of use, Sophos UTM with the UTM/XG Series (any of those). They have included graphic reporting and really easy GUI. Hope this helps.
About 7 years ago
Answered a question: Looking Into Implementing a Web Security Solution.
If you’re looking for a scalable and robust Web Filter only, I would suggest going with Sophos Central Web Protection. This system is cloud-based and will help you protect and block unnecessary access
The physical appliance which is also provided by Sophos will give you…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Sophos XG 210 vs Fortigate FG 100E
I would go with Sophos XG for both models, since this system has far better capabilities than Fortigate. We as Sophos supplier lean on their support which is world class. If people say that they are cheaper, you can even find them at a better price online on Amazon
If you…
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: I am looking into getting a Cyberoam UTM, what do you think?
Hi, as a Sophos Gold Partner, I would recommend leaving Cyberoam option right away, since this company has been both by Sophos, and we would expect EOL any time now. With Sophos, we actually have two options, the Sophos UTM which is the NGFW that has been developed and…
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: Sophos XG vs Fortigate UTM
I differ from your perspective or opinion regarding the size or the application of the Sophos Platform/Appliances. Sophos has the capability to offer Telco Industry solutions as well (they have the ability to create up to a 10 Cluster System at any model). Please do not…
About 9 years ago
Answered a question: Sophos XG vs Fortigate UTM
You are intending to use a really small appliance, so perhaps your question (for me) seems misguided. What kind of mobile traffic are you refering to? It all depends on the expected throughput, and perhaps both systmes would work fine (all depending on your expected…
About 9 years ago
Commented on Sophos UTM vs. Fortinet FortiGate
Fortinet has loose their ability to attend personalized support cases. You must first take a glance at Gartner's Magic Cuadrants. Thi sis purely based on Marketing strategies. Sophos is a great product (not perfect) but in my opinion, is the most advanced and complete…
Over 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Sophos UTM: Application Control should be able to be managed with users; however, we now have a protected, standardized network.
Over 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Sophos EPP Suite: It has excellent virus definitions, but needs a better process for server migration.
Over 9 years ago
Sophos EPP Suite
Over 3 years ago
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
Almost 7 years ago
About 9 years ago
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
About me
I believe since the beginning, that digital security is a need for everybody and every company. I founded Advisor Consutling Group SAS (on my native country Colombia) with the vision of becoming one of the market leaders in IT security.
At the initial proyection, I saw the need of representing vendors, that didn't had representation on our country, and that meet the strict requirements of the market.
We started with unknown vendors, but we positioned them in huge companies and networks, since the process of vendor selection was truly deep. Nevertheless, biggest companies came to us to represent them, but we turned them down since everybody was in the same wave. We even created our own UTM/Firewall brand! It's name is Rhino Box UTM, for the robust and agile way of a Rhino to get ahead of all animals (you wont believe how fast a Rhino can be!)
We grew in 2013, and opened Advisor Consulting Group Corp in the US (Miami Florida), and we are expanding our portfolio for more quality vendors (only in the US).
Actually we only represent vendors that passes our high quality standards, that is what our customers deserve.
I'm happy with each advise I give, and with each product we sell, it is a high quality product and service for all, that i'm 100% sure.