35 Points
7 Years
User Activity
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What is better for ALM: Scrum or Kanban?
You may also like to give a try to Tuleap ( which allows to setup Scrum, Kanban, and much more regarding enterprise Agile planning.
Almost 5 years ago
Answered a question: What is better for ALM: Scrum or Kanban?
In my opinion, there is no tool to prefer (Kanban or Scrum) they are for different approaches
Roughly, Kanban is "event-driven" ; something to do arrives, the question is how to manage it and have it living through its workflow (from left to right in the Kanban). At any…
Almost 5 years ago
Answered a question: Would you use one or both ALM and JIRA to manage the SDLC and production support work?
A real ALM does not require a ticket/activity tracking in addition. A real ALM includes all you need to manage the demand, your activities, your (agile) projets, your code, your continuous integration, your continuous testing, your validation, the traceability, the…
Almost 5 years ago
Answered a question: Would you use one or both ALM and JIRA to manage the SDLC and production support work?
You can always use JIRA with an alternate tool. The point is whether it is efficient or not for you case. Though in my experience most integrated agile development tools replace Jira and are more efficient, especially when dealing with code (in addition to just managing…
About 6 years ago
Answered a question: Has anyone tried integrating HP ALM and JIRA ?
Hi here,
Has anyone ever tried Tuleap Enterprise as ALM?
We see many companies here implementing Tuleap at rather large scale as it provides all-in-one ALM facilities.
NB: I am oriented. I work for Tuleap team.
Almost 8 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Application Lifecycle Management suites, what aspects do you think are the most important to look for?
#1. Polyvalence: Management of requirements, bug tracking, tasks, tests, code & code review, ci, delivery, integration, collaboration, etc
#2. Traceability and synergy between components. Connection between all dev items (e.g. requirements linked to tasks, linked to code,…
Over 3 years ago
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Almost 5 years ago
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Almost 5 years ago
Software Development Analytics
Almost 5 years ago
Software Development Analytics
About 6 years ago
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Almost 8 years ago
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
About me
Dealing with software developments approaches and methodologies for years.
Providing solutions to help industries to take advantage of digital and agile transformation.
Promoting open-source approaches and culture to increase innovation and efficiency.
Providing Tuleap to the world.