20 Points
4 Years
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Over 2 years ago
Answered a question: Should I get a third-party backup solution for Office 365?
If you value it, back it up. The built-in "backup" in M365 is aimed at covering their arse, not yours. We use Cove (Solarwinds as was). Sensibly priced, automatic, effective.
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: Can you recommend a disaster recovery automation tool?
It depends what you mean by 'Automation'. We use a backup product that does all the usual stuff (incremental backup to the cloud on a schedule, holds local copies, encryption blah blah etc. etc.). If you know what you are doing you can build yourself a recovery appliance…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: Should I get a third-party backup solution for Office 365?
The backup functionality built into Microsoft365 is all to do with Microsoft losing their systems.
If you want to recover something YOU have accidentally deleted, or any of the more advanced backup functionality (e.g. the ability to recover a single mailbox from a date in…
Over 4 years ago
Contributed a review of N-able Cove Data Protection: Provides feature flexibility and modularity for our customers
Over 4 years ago
N-able Cove Data Protection
Over 3 years ago
Disaster Recovery (DR) Software