55 Points
7 Years
User Activity
About 2 years ago
Contributed a review of Webex Meetings with AT&T: Stable connection and user-friendly interface; valuable technical support
Almost 5 years ago
Contributed a review of Webex: Easy to install and use, and the remote control features are helpful
About 2 years ago
Webex Meetings with AT&T
About me
Life often shifts between feeling like you have it all figured out and like you know nothing at all. There are always challenges, whether it’s with building a strong career, a happy home, or a better you. Fortunately, every experience (whether good or bad) ends up teaching you something. The beauty of life are the opportunities around the corner to pick you up exactly when needed.
If you never stop learning, you will remember that the journey is a series of new starts that make you wiser and stronger each time. Let these inspiring quotes from great achievers show you the value of continuing to learn throughout your life