20 Points
4 Years
User Activity
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: Looking for an Identity and Access Management product for an energy and utility organization
Please check the following IAM solutions:
Okta: Okta | Identity for the internet
Hello ID: HelloID - Cloud: Identity: Access
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What is the main difference between EMM and UEM?
Enterprise Mobility Management ensures that everything is manageable in one central environment. Both the devices, the applications that run on them and the access to data
Enterprise Mobility Management is the merger of MDM and MAM and also has an important addition. In…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What access management tools would you recommend to help with GDPR compliance?
I would recommend Okta or HelloID (which includes Account provisioning , Acces Management, Password management, Self service & Workflow)> IAM: Identity & Access Manager | Tools4ever
About 4 years ago
Contributed a review of Microsoft 365 Business: Works great on any kind of platform
Over 3 years ago
Identity Management (IM)
Over 3 years ago
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Over 3 years ago
Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS)