20 Points
4 Years
User Activity
Almost 3 years ago
Answered a question: How to be more explicit in Business Process Definitions during Business Process Design?
I have tried to understand the two main things:
1. Who is involved? and
2. What is the end goal?
Once I understand these 2 things, I then start working towards the middle.
I use Obsidian to define each of the actors, processes, definitions, what connects to each thing…
About 3 years ago
Answered a question: Would you choose Microsoft Azure App Service or PowerApps?
Janet put together a well thought out answer. From my (limited) experience, what she said, I agree
About 3 years ago
Answered a question: Help to migrate IBM Lotus Domino to another platform
Are you still looking for a solution. I would reach out to
About 3 years ago
Answered a question: Looking for recommendations for a no-code backend database for 500,000+ users - looking at CASPIO
Don't do Airtable, too many limitations. Caspio also has issues. Reach out to - they can help you. Personally I use them (Nymbl) with Zudy Vinyl.
About 3 years ago
Answered a question: What is the best no-code developer portal if I am not using a gateway?
It depends on how large you think the application will become and what complexity you want to build into the system.
I, personally use to build out my platform.
Almost 4 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Low-Code Development Platforms, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
First thing that matters is your current and future needs. There were lots of systems I looked into that would have different issues when I looked into scaling out. Sometimes it was number of records, other times it was speed, and other times it was lack of flexibility…
About 4 years ago
Contributed a review of Jitterbit Vinyl: This is the first time something has been able to pull off my dream, and have it up and running in a fraction of the time
About 4 years ago
Jitterbit Vinyl
Almost 3 years ago
Business Process Design
About 3 years ago
Mobile Development Platforms
About 3 years ago
Rapid Application Development Software
About 3 years ago
Rapid Application Development Software
About 3 years ago
No-Code Development Platforms
Almost 4 years ago
Low-Code Development Platforms