40 Points
5 Years
User Activity
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What are viable alternatives to SAP Business Objects Enterprise?
So many questions but just the basic ones
If you actually need such a broad product set as provided by BO with the more corporate like features such as security, scheduling, bursting, fail-over, supporting large volumes of users and data etc then the alternatives ala…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What is your opinion of the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics & BI Platforms?
In my experience, I've found Gartner to be of little value in the BI sphere. I believe this is partly due to the very fractured nature of BI offerings and trends with a surprisingly wide range of functionality. It's hard to come up with groups of products/vendors to compare…
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: Tableau vs. Business Objects - Which is a better solution for visualization and analysis?
If doing a technical comparison, Lumira (SAP's visual tool) isn't bad but the market share in this space is going to Tableau and Qlik both of which are strong in the visual side of BI
Most Business Objects sites do the bulk of their reporting using Web Intelligence, which…
About 5 years ago
Commented on Significant architectural issues
You appear to have a review that is so wrong on so many points it's weird
I will point out a number of errors to make my point
"Its reliance upon the infamous RBAR or "row by agonizing row" cursor operations" which is COMPLETELY untrue. Have worked with the product for…
About 5 years ago
Answered a question: Which reporting tool would you recommend for a finely detailed PDF?
Look for any reporting product that can do pixel level reporting. There are a number and a lot depends on the other features you might want such as does it need to come from a database product or driven out of an application via an API. The easiest to use are generally those…
About 5 years ago
Contributed a review of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: Good reporting and promotes a common view of information across the organisation
Over 5 years ago
Contributed a review of WhereScape RED: Improves development time and ease of maintainability - particularly useful for maintainability
Over 5 years ago
Answered a question: What is a good BI tool in the Oracle world?
I suggest you provide more information. For instance, do you expect significant data volumes ( > 100 million records), numbers of users, are you expecting to build some sort of data warehouse or are you more interested in reporting across existing applications, is it an…
Over 5 years ago
Replaced Entire Enterprise Data warehouse for a TelcoReplaced Entire Enterprise Data warehouse for a Telco
About 5 years ago
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
Over 5 years ago
WhereScape RED
Over 3 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Over 3 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
About 4 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Over 5 years ago