55 Points
7 Years
User Activity
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: Any experience on newer/low-cost cloud based EA Modelling Tools?
+ Lucidchart - Accomplish more by collaborating in real time. Accelerate understanding and drive innovation with powerful diagramming (archimate), whiteboarding, and data visualization
+ Visual Paradigm on-line - Create a variety of technical and business diagrams faster,…
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: What is the difference between microservices orchestration and choreography?
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of Visual Paradigm: Provides the features for Enterprise Architecture, Project Management, and Software Development
Over 7 years ago
Visual Paradigm
Over 4 years ago
Enterprise Architecture Management
Over 4 years ago
Business Process Design
About me
Experience Areas: Solution/Enterprise Architecture, System Integration, Fault and Disaster Tollerant Design, Network topology and Traffic, Capacity Planning, DB and OS Performance Tunning, Advanced Database Design, Analysis/Design/Test, Object Oriented/Component Development, MIS/DSS (KPI, KRI, KM, Analysis of unstructured data, Datamining), ReversEng.
Goals roles: PRG/ANA, DBA, PM, Pre/Sales, Line Manager, Consultant, Architect
Modelling tools: PowerDesigner - Sybase, ARIS - SAG, EA - Sparx, ArchiMetric - VisualParadigm
Appliacation Areas: Portals, aCRM, ERP, BI, DWH, BPM/WF, ESB
Other skills: Creative & Visual presentations, 3D Graphics design
- cert.: IPMA, UML
- non cert.: TOGAF, ArchiMate®, BMC, BSC, ABC, Cobit, ITIL, IT4IT
- softskills: Pain Chain, SPIN, Emotional Intelligence