55 Points
6 Years
User Activity
Over 5 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, what aspect is the most important to look for?
In my opinion, the most important criteria when assessing HCI solutions other than the obvious performance. How does that HCI solution scale? Or in other words, how does one add storage and compute resources to the solution. Without understanding how the solution scales…
About 6 years ago
Answered a question: What Is The Biggest Difference Between Nutanix And VxRail?
The biggest difference between Nutanix and VxRail that I've noticed in my
brief research other than the obvious which is cost (Nutanix is much more
expensive) is that their Hypervisor is different. Nutanix Leverages their
in-house built hypervisor called Acropolis. VxRail…
About 6 years ago
Software Defined Storage (SDS)
About me
I relish the opportunity for growth. Not necessarily growth within the organizational structure but more importantly, growth through the many different experiences and difficulties my job presents. I love experience that presents a challenge. Experience that not only allows me to utilize and refine my present skill-sets, but those that also force me to consistently educate myself on something new. This breeds innovation and results in the acquisition of new skills, as well as a deeper understanding of the technologies and trends being utilized. Contributing to a more versatile professional within my expertise.