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90 Points
10 Years
Top 20

User Activity

Almost 4 years ago
On top of this Cloud Infrastructure | Oracle is getting into frontline of the SAAS.
Over 7 years ago
My answer would be encrypt first as to protect information in the transit. Compress before encryption or after encryption is same as all depends on the data size.
Over 8 years ago
When I look at the pessimistic side of TOSKA TESTSUITE; the primary vulnerability is impact on availability where you mentioned you encountered with deployment and stability issues. Can you please illustrate one where what and how it got resolved?
About 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing about UFT 12.02 with Windows 10. I have forwarded this requirement to our organization procurement department and the operations to find if any projects team using HP UFT QTP, however the project I support is not using so for. Right now I am using Ready…
Over 9 years ago
Interesting, I haven't used yet however, the review by ServiceLineLead817 is amazing and impressive. Consequently I should give a try and appreciate your positive feedback about SONARQUBE.
Over 9 years ago
As you mentioned “As soon as a build is deployed, the scheduler quickly executes User Acceptance Tests, and verifies that the build is fit to be delivered to the clients”; the automation or scheduler may be inexpensive but in the job market may this matter to replace human…
Almost 10 years ago
Yes, Dan's opinion is in the bracket but Citrix XenAppServer is absolutely between VMware and Hyper-V. XenAppServer is not a form interface it is straight forward as added Policies protection to the MS Server Policies. I am not an implementer but learner and Our organization…
Almost 10 years ago
Anuj Sethi has revealed the experts and frauds of open/close/cloud network monitoring tools up-to-the-minute detailed manner. It is unbelievable.
Almost 10 years ago
I have a RFP template that Info-Tech Research group developed. I don't know how to upload the word doc in here therefore I have copied the entire content here. You can export this to the word and modify accordingly. Hope this is useful. My primary focus on Web Services…
Almost 10 years ago
This is a wonderful approach.
Over 10 years ago
Testing aforesaid is super important either automate or manual. There are lots of factors influences as all the experts’ comments on this topic. It is important to know how efficient for the project needs to accomplish. The tool that should have innumerable dependencies…


Over 10 years ago
Software Security
Software Security


About 9 years ago
Functional Testing Tools
Almost 10 years ago
Performance Testing Tools


Almost 4 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Almost 10 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability

About me

Initially my life expectancy career with service Industry, where I had heart to serve with knowledge I see, read. Hence my agility methods were unconsciously born with my experience. First profession I choose was teaching and self-learning from high school later collage. My teaching and learning process never rely on certificates, certifications, rewards and awards.

Therefore my livelihood model: Teaching Continue Learning->Spiritual Science->Modern Science->Electronic Technology such service and fix Radio/Audio/Video->Software Application (DTP, Data Entry, Graphic Design etc.,)->Computer Hardware & Networking->Software & Hardware Information Security->Interested and pursuing Information Systems Auditing.->Interested and pursuing Information Systems, Information Software, Information Systems hardware Penetration Testing and Security Testing. Practicing Security Skills through Skill Set, CompTIA Cert​Master Powerful Test Preparation, ISACA CPE Webinars, NIST CPS-PWG active member. APT Cyber Security Practice, Inside Security, Information Systems Auditing Skills. Red Hat Linux, JBoss, W3C XML, OWASP.

Interesting Projects and Accomplishments

Over 10 years ago