20 Points
9 Years
User Activity
About 7 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM Db2 Warehouse on Cloud: The way that it scales will help a lot of customers, but tech support for it is awful.
Over 7 years ago
have you been able to work on dashdb local as well ? Just starting a project with dashdb local
Over 7 years ago
Thanks for the review! Looking for info on dashdb cloud and local. Very helpful
Almost 9 years ago
Answered a question: Oracle Exadata vs. HPE Vertica vs. EMC GreenPlum vs. IBM Netezza
for EDW I would have to say Netezza. For ease of data loading and parallelism on queries puts it far above any competitor listed.
About 9 years ago
Netezza has a set number of events they include (about 35). Among those is 1 for long running queries. I don't particularly like the way this event works though. I have a solution that I came up with that works under Nagios which works very well. In addition to the 35…
About 9 years ago
Data mover has some advantage over Sqoop in that it can be invoked from either Netezza or Hadoop side. On the Hadoop side I prefer Sqoop over Data mover in that I can control everything from the command line. Data mover requires a change to XML file every time you want a new…
Over 9 years ago
Just started working with 2 people from that Poland group. I agree they are really a giant help! Wish I could have had access earlier. On the BigR we had to install ours as well. It was fairly complex and install process was poorly documented. BigInsights SQL…
Over 9 years ago
Commented on It has the capacity to handle terabytes of data with query response times that are very low. Setup is complex.
If you are talking about when IBM comes in initially and does the setup I can see your point it is complex. If you are talking about the upgrade of the os and the dbos (database operating system) that can be fairly complex especially when you have HA (high availability)…
Over 9 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM Netezza Performance Server: SQL is 100% ANSI compliant, but support for interfaces has been poor.
Over 9 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM InfoSphere BigInsights [EOL]: The BIQSQL implementation is fully SQL ANSI compliant, but I have found a lot of issues in Fluid Query.
Over 9 years ago
Answered a question: Seeking advise on going with Birst, BOARD or Pentaho as an OEM platform solution where we could end up with 1,000's of users over time.
Never worked too much with these. I did a demo on Pentaho but never really used it in a dev or production world.
Frank Pantaleo | Senior Solution Specialist
Office: (210) 918-9449 | Mobile:…
Over 9 years ago
Answered a question: Should we choose InfoSphere BigInsights or Cloudera?
I am a Netezza DBA currently. I am in the middle of working with a group on Biginsights move to production. I have done ALOT of integration testing between Netezza and BI.
1. BI (only tried V3 enterprise and VM trial)
PRO - BIGSQL implementation is ANSI compliant SQL…
About 7 years ago
IBM Db2 Warehouse on Cloud
Over 9 years ago
IBM Netezza Performance Server
Over 9 years ago
IBM InfoSphere BigInsights [EOL]
Over 9 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Over 7 years ago
Cloud Data Warehouse
Over 7 years ago
Cloud Data Warehouse
About 9 years ago
Data Warehouse
Over 9 years ago
Data Warehouse