20 Points
4 Years
User Activity
Almost 3 years ago
Answered a question: What is the difference between Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Data Mining?
Imagine you need a report on the turnover of your customers, then the turnover by product, then another by period, ... the list could be continued at will.
The number of possibilities increases dramatically when you start combining the different aspects, for example, top 5…
Almost 4 years ago
Answered a question: What are viable alternatives to SAP Business Objects Enterprise?
If I understand your question correctly, then you are looking for a replacement for SAP and Oracle, since both are too expensive.
You can look at the issue of costs from different perspectives. The easiest way would be to look at the license costs, then the implementation…
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: Tableau vs. Business Objects - Which is a better solution for visualization and analysis?
In my opinion, Tableau is "best of bread" answering "one type of question" perfectly, while BO is a suite of tools answering "many types of questions" well. If you're looking for SQL based pixel perfect reports go for BO. If you're look for reports, dashboards, analysis in…
Almost 3 years ago
Data Mining
Almost 4 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
About 4 years ago
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools