50 Points
2 Years
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6 months ago
Replied to Trung Huynh Which solution provides the best ROI: KNIME, Alteryx or RapidMiner?
@AltanAtabarut 100%
Almost 2 years ago
Answered a question: Which solution provides the best ROI: KNIME, Alteryx or RapidMiner?
I'd suggest checking out the new Actable AI as well. It has a better AutoML and a lot more advanced features like Causal ML.
Almost 2 years ago
Answered a question: Which AutoML solution is the best?
Hi, I am the founder of Actable AI so my answer may be biased. In terms of performance, it's Actable AI. Why? Because we leverage the best and latest open source technologies out there (AutoGluon, TabPFN, GluonTS, etc.) and there are well documented to be better than H2O…