40 Points
11 Years
User Activity
About 7 years ago
Answered a question: I would like to compare Dynatrace and AppDynamics. On what basis should I decide?
Dynatrace has a forte for providing all the data points that a developer could ever want. In essence, it is reasonable to believe that with Dynatrace and an aware dev group, 100% monitoring and tracing coverage could be achieved. However, all of this data comes with a…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: How Much Should I Budget for an APM Solution?
When it comes to selecting an APM service provider, the costs vary as do the capabilities. In our organization, we operate with a thin technologist layer and also focus on 80/20 in troubleshooting. Generally, the higher the cost, the better the coverage out-of-the-box. So…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: What is the best tool for mobile native performance testing on real devices?
The question can be answered many ways, but what you really need to do is to account for the lowest common denominator of each variable. If you want to use a Mobile farm, you still can by profiling the Wi-Fi and using this as a test parameter. If you're more interested in…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: What is your greatest success or failure using a testing tool? Please share with the community
My greatest success is optimizing Loadrunner with a risk-based approach while incorporating architecture and performance tuning into a single service. My greatest failure was in misconfiguring the Run-time Settings, thereby arriving at a false sense of performance. I also…
About 7 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Over 7 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Over 7 years ago
Performance Testing Tools
Almost 11 years ago
Performance Testing Tools