User Activity
Almost 5 years ago
Answered a question: Is all flash storage SSD?
Solid State Disk is the kind of technology. Like all memory chips used to create a disk with no spinning platters or articulating moving head parts. Then there are different kinds of memory chips used to create a disk. Then there are different modes of accessing the memory…
Almost 6 years ago
Answered a question: Other solutions comparable to IBM FlashSystem with regard to performance?
Pure, EMC, NetAPP, Fujitsu are all in the same Space Ball. "Ludicrous Speed"
One needs to look beyond the IOPS when evaluating. Performance also counts in
service, support, non-interruptive upgrades. Stopping this technology to perform
service is a Ludicrous thing of the…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Is there any proper differentiation between Amazon cloud solutions and NTT communications?
Well the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, In late 2010, NTT's Japan-to-US transpacific network reached 400 Gbit/s. In August 2011, its network capacity was expanded to 500 Gbit
As of 2017, AWS has distinct operations in 16 geographical regions including Japan.
So I would say…
Over 8 years ago
Answered a question: CommVault vs. EMC NetWorker vs. Dell vRanger
I believe that EMC Data Domain is the best product
But Networker is very good and cost effective.
CommVault is also a good product but a bit pricy though.
vRanger is the least of the three, you might want to consider using something else.
I think technical support should…
About 10 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Virtualization Management Tools, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
Some important criteria's when researching Virtualization Management Tools for me are
Resources needed to install the tools on. The overhead on some of theses tools can be substantial.
Agility to configure and monitor quickly the, add, moves, changes.
Better monitoring…
Over 10 years ago
Answered a question: Pros/cons of Rackspace vs. other leading vendors?
Rackspace offers good services for a good price
I used Rackspace for a test environment I started to created in two years ago. (Link Listed Below)
I was very satisfied with their…
Almost 11 years ago
Answered a question: Juniper vs Cisco ethernet switches: Which one is better?
Both companies are partnering themselves with high-profile partners to help push their competing visions. Cisco is creating multi-purpose switches, firewall and routers, so that an enterprise may not need eight different machines for their Networks and support contracts…
About 11 years ago
Asked a question: Are there PaaS Cloud Computing Tools?
About 11 years ago
Contributed a review of Cisco Ethernet Switches: Business decisions made today, now become key strategic advantages and capabilities of tomorrow.
About 11 years ago
Contributed a review of Microsoft Virtual Server: This business concept will lead you to a positive business process of managing your systems
About 11 years ago
Contributed a review of ThinDesk Hosted Virtual Desktop Services: Very good solution but a different skill set needed to manage and deploy
About 11 years ago
Enterprise Com. and Networking Project
About 11 years ago
Cisco Ethernet Switches
About 11 years ago
Microsoft Virtual Server
About 11 years ago
ThinDesk Hosted Virtual Desktop Services
Over 7 years ago
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
About 10 years ago
Virtualization Management Tools
Over 10 years ago
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
About 11 years ago