45 Points
6 Years
User Activity
Almost 2 years ago
Answered a question: Which solution performs better: Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure or VMware vSAN?
In the early days, Nutanix had the better solution, by now especially when you use a vSphere hypervisor I would go with vSAN for better integration and with ReadyNodes no complex config anymore. Also, I had several customers who complained that Nutanix got very expensive on…
Over 2 years ago
Contributed a review of VMware Aria Operations for Applications: Easy to deploy, worth the money, and helpful for uptime monitoring and performance insights
Over 5 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, what aspect is the most important to look for?
HCI is for us to move from Legacy infrastructure to a more software-defined approach. One of the criteria is vendor support HW + SW must give me enough freedom
Second, data availability, vendor integration, and feature set is important.
The third is vendor support…
Over 6 years ago
Contributed a review of VMware vSAN: Gives us a lot of advantages when we need to expand resources
Over 2 years ago
VMware Aria Operations for Applications