Arista NDR vs Auvik Network Management (ANM) comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Arista NDR
Ranking in Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Detection and Response (NDR) (8th)
Auvik Network Management (ANM)
Ranking in Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (3rd), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (3rd), Network Troubleshooting (3rd), Cloud Monitoring Software (4th)

Market share comparison

As of June 2024, in the Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) category, the market share of Arista NDR is 6.5% and it increased by 34.4% compared to the previous year. The market share of Auvik Network Management (ANM) is 1.3% and it increased by 451.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Unique Categories:
Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Network Monitoring Software
IT Infrastructure Monitoring

Featured Reviews

Feb 10, 2021
Gives us network layer visibility into things that may not be covered by other monitoring tools, such as shadow IT
One concern I do have with Awake is that, ideally, it should be able identify high-risk users and devices and entities. However, we don't have confidence in their entity resolution, and we've provided this feedback to Awake. My understanding is that this is where some of the AI/ML is, and it hasn't been reliable in correctly identifying which device an activity is associated with. We have also encountered issues where it has merged two devices into one entity profile when they shouldn't be merged. The entity resolution is the weakest point of Awake so far. Even without that it's useful because with the MNDR team, they'll at least do some of that work for us and then we can follow up on certain things. But that is something that we would want to see improved. Because we have the MNDR team, in some ways we don't work as hands-on with the interface itself as we did before. But another thing that would be helpful would be easier ways to integrate it with other systems. The integrations seem to exist, but they're a little weak in terms of how easy they are to set up, or what kind of information can be pulled in. That's something they've said that they're working on, as part of their roadmap, but that is something that I would like to see improved.
May 21, 2024
Fair pricing, great support, and an easy setup
The traffic insights are excellent. It's amazing how it works. There are really well built features on it. It's not a very common feature that you see in a lot of these network management tools. It's a game-changer. The setup is amazing. Most of the work is automatic. You just set it up, and then it just does its own thing. The interface is pretty straightforward. The dashboard is there. There are some advanced features as well. They walk you through everything. If you need some help with something, like, navigating or something, they'll help. They provide ongoing support. If I need to find out anything about any feature, I can just set up a call with them, and they will walk me through it. The ease of access is pretty straightforward. I had used the solution in the past, but not as much. Maybe just to check a device's status here and there, but not to the point of deploying and using it heavily. However, then I found out about the traffic insights and the other features they offer. We bought some licenses internally and deployed them to our team sites, and now I use them much more. It's not very intimidating. The navigation and layout are easy. The network map gives a real-time picture of the network. If you have a network set up right, it gives you a nice overview. The map I use is usually when I'm deploying a new site. That's when I try to make sure everything is there. I get a real quick overview to make sure everything is adapted - instead of going down into inventory and going through each single line item. Instead, I can just look at the map. 00:08:53 Speaker 0 I saw the benefit before implementing it when I was doing my research. Auvik was one of the very few solutions that had the features I was looking for. That's why I signed up for the trial. Immediately, I knew it's what I was looking for. Once you sign up for the trial, they send you an invite for a call to go over everything. The meantime to resolution has improved. Let's say you have just one source of visibility on your network where you are relying just on your controller or something like that; then, of course, it will take a lot longer to get to the issue. Auvik shows all the nodes or all the devices online, and it makes it much faster to resolve these issues. Auvik allows me to spend less time on setup, maintenance, and issue resolution. The setup is especially well thought-out. You just create a site and install a collector, and it does most of the work. It searches for networks and asks if you want to add them.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"This solution’s encrypted traffic analysis helps us stay in compliance with government regulations. It is all about understanding data exfiltration, what is ingressing and egressing in our network. One common attack vector is exfiltrating data using encryption. My capabilities to see potential data exfiltration over encrypted traffic is second to none now."
"The interface itself is clean and easy to use, yet customizable. I like that I can create my own dashboards fairly easily so that I can see what is important to me. Also, the query language is pretty easy to use. I haven't needed to use it a ton, but as I need to go in and do different queries based on their requests, it has been fairly simple to use."
"We appreciate the value of the AML (structured query language). We receive security intel feeds for a specific type of malware or ransomware. AML queries looking for the activity is applied in almost real-time. Ultimately, this determines if the activity was not observed on the network."
"The query language makes it easy to query the records on the network, to do searches for the various threat activities that we're looking for. The dashboard, the Security Knowledge Graph, displays information meaningfully and easily. I am able to find the information that I want to find pretty quickly."
"This solution help us monitor devices used on our network by insiders, contractors, partners, or suppliers. Its correlation and identification of specific endpoints is very good, especially since we have a large, virtualized environment. It discerns this fairly well. Some of the issues that we have had with other tools is we sometimes are not able to tell the difference between users on some of those virtualized instances."
"The most valuable portion is that they offer a threat-hunting service. Using their platform, and all of the data that they're collecting, they actually help us be proactive by having really expert folks that have insight, not just into our accounts, but into other accounts as well. They can be proactive and say, 'Well, we saw this incident at some other customer. We ran that same kind of analysis for you and we didn't see that type of activity in your network.'"
"The query language that they have is quite valuable, especially because the sensor itself is storing some network activity and we're able to query that. That has been useful in a pinch because we don't necessarily use it just for threat hunting, but we also use it for debugging network issues. We can use it to ask questions and get answers about our network. For example: Which users and devices are using the VPN for RDP access? We can write a query pretty quickly and get an answer for that."
"When I create a workbench query in Awake to do threat hunting, it's much easier to query. You get a dictionary popup immediately when you try to type a new query. It says, "You want to search for a device?" Then you type in "D-E," and it gives you a list of commands, like device, data set behavior, etc. That gives you the ability to build your own query."
"Its network discovery capabilities are very impressive. The discovery piece is amazing. I don't know if they have an AI or some type of advanced intelligence inside of their program that helps with the discovery piece. I haven't seen anything that discovers products that well and is able to label them, tag them, and pull as much information about them. I don't know what drives that engine, but I'm just absolutely blown away by it. It is cool."
"Auvik makes it super simple to have sub-tenants and you can then view high-level details from the "parent" tenant, which is our MSP interface, while also diving deep into the client-side and having full access there for assigning client-level permissions."
"The traffic insights feature shows us our network bandwidth usage without the need for expensive inline traffic decryption. It's very important to us. Knowing exactly what's going on, what traffic is flowing over my network is very much an important thing for me to know. We know that policies and procedures are being followed. And so we know that nobody is doing anything that they shouldn't be doing on a company network."
"The visibility that it provides is probably the most valuable feature because we need to know what our sites look like. Understanding what our sites look like and knowing about what kind of network gear or network equipment these sites are running is very important for us. Previously, we didn't have visibility into everything."
"Being able to terminal into the devices without going anywhere else is valuable. All of it can be done within Auvik."
"The quick alerts in the event the equipment goes up or down is the most valuable feature."
"I have found Auvik extremely stable. They do a lot of scheduled maintenance, but it's almost always on the weekends, so it doesn't impact us."
"Automatic alerting is probably the most valuable."


"The one thing that the Awake platform lacks is the ability to automate the ingestion of IOCs rather than having to import CSV files or JSON files manually."
"I enjoy the query language, but it could be a bit more user-friendly, especially for new users who come across it... They should push it more into a natural language style as opposed to a query language."
"One thing I would like to see is a little bit more education or experience on AWS cloud for their managed services team. We've explained how we have the information set up, that the traffic coming in goes to the AWS load balancer and then gets sent on to our internal servers... but when I get notices they always tell me this traffic is coming from the IPs belonging to the load balancers, not the source IPs. So a little bit more education for their team about how AWS manages the traffic might help out."
"One concern I do have with Awake is that, ideally, it should be able identify high-risk users and devices and entities. However, we don't have confidence in their entity resolution, and we've provided this feedback to Awake. My understanding is that this is where some of the AI/ML is, and it hasn't been reliable in correctly identifying which device an activity is associated with. We have also encountered issues where it has merged two devices into one entity profile when they shouldn't be merged. The entity resolution is the weakest point of Awake so far."
"I would like to see a bit more in terms of encrypted traffic. With the advent of programs that live off the land, a smart attacker is going to leverage encryption to execute their operation. So I would like to see improvements there, where possible. Currently, we're not going to be decrypting encrypted traffic. What other approaches could be used?"
"Awake Security needs to move to a 24/7 support model in the MNDR space. Once they do that, it will make them even better."
"There's room for improvement with some of the definitions, because I don't have time and I'm not a Tier 4 analyst. I believe that is something they're working towards."
"While the appliance is very good, and I think they're working on it, it would probably help if they integrated the management team cases into the appliance so that everything we are working on with them would be accessible on our platform, on the dashboard, on the portal. Right now, Awake is just an additional team that uses the appliance that we use and then we communicate with them directly. Communication isn't through the portal."
"I want to be able to customize the layout more in terms of showing the alert timeframes. For example, I would like to customize it to show all the alerts in the last three hours, six hours, etc. You should be able to customize it so that it shows you the most critical information. We don't need to see CPU usage. We only want to see the up and down time. It would be nice to filter out many of those metrics we don't use."
"While Auvik excels in network management with a user-friendly interface, its customization and reporting features could benefit from improvement."
"The price shouldn't be an issue for a larger organization, but a smaller organization or an MSP might struggle because the billing is per device. You're paying for your firewalls and devices that appear on the network. If you have a smaller organization with an extensive network, your revenue won't be able to support that cost. That's probably the biggest downside for me."
"I would like Auvik to alert on IP conflicts."
"After Auvik inventories a Windows device, installing a lightweight that would allow a remote connection would be excellent. A technician could use that agent to gain remote control over the client's computer, allowing us to troubleshoot remotely."
"The speed and performance can be improved."
"For the most part, it's great for visualizing the network mapping/topology for our organization. However, when complex VLAN networks are involved, sometimes, the picture can get a little cloudy. It would definitely be nice if there was some way of choosing a VLAN to view or something like that. They should definitely improve the handling of multiple networks and VLANs."
"Auvik's network map, while helpful, could benefit from improved clarity."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Because I represent a hedge fund, I have some leverage. I told them that they had to meet my conditions if they wanted me as a client. It was the same way with Awake. They wanted an initial four-year agreement. Initially, we signed on for a one-year contract, but they wanted the four-year deal when it came time for the renewal. I told them that I was not doing that. I said that they either had to do it on my terms, or I'd go somewhere else."
"The solution has saved thousands of dollars within the first day. Our ROI has to be in the tens of thousands of dollars since October last year."
"We switched to Awake Security because they were able to offer a model that was significantly less expensive and the value that we get out of it is higher."
"The pricing seems pretty reasonable for what we get out of it. We also found it to be more competitive than some other vendors that we've looked at."
"The solution is very good and the pricing is also better than others..."
"Awake Security was the least expensive among their competitors. Everyone was within $15,000 of each other. The other solutions were not providing the MNDR service, which is standard with Awake Security's pricing/licensing model."
"Awake's pricing was very competitive. It's not a cheap option though. It's an investment to utilize it, but it's one that we decided was worth the cost, with the managed services. At our scale, it was a much better option to utilize their software and their managed services to handle this, rather than hiring another person to be an analyst. It was quite cost-effective for us."
"They're very competitive on the pricing front. They may not be the least expensive, but they're certainly not the most expensive. They're right in a sweet spot. For our organization, at least, it was right within the budget."
"We have a lot of problems with licensing in many other solutions, but I've never run into a problem with Auvik licensing. That's a pretty good vote of confidence."
"What is good about Auvik is that it is a monthly spend versus a CapEx."
"Auvik is probably one of the more expensive options on the market for what it does. But if, as a managed services provider, you are working with clients that have large networks with large numbers of network devices, you can find efficiency to be gained that will make that value up."
"I don't know anything about its pricing, but I would say Auvik is worth it."
"Auvik's pricing is very competitive compared to other network management solutions."
"I don't work in the finance department, so I'm not familiar with the pricing details; however, I know some clients declined Auvik due to the pricing, so they found it expensive. Other clients have adopted it, so they think it's worth the cost."
"Its pricing is definitely competitive with everything else that's out there. If somebody has not shopped for a product like Auvik for a while, there's probably going to be some sticker shock because it is not cheap, but that's true for all the products that we looked at."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Construction Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Arista NDR?
Arista NDR's scalability is very good, making it easy to add more hardware components. You can order additional hardware and integrate it by stacking it with the existing setup. This feature cannot...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Arista NDR?
The tool's pricing is expensive but it is competitive.
What needs improvement with Arista NDR?
Arista NDR needs to open legal offices to be closer to customers and partners. It needs more visibility in the NDR market in the Middle East. While they are doing well, they lack sufficient enginee...
What do you like most about Auvik?
The most valuable feature for us in Auvik is the network topology.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Auvik?
I like that you only have to pay for a minimum of five systems with an account, and you can monitor server software for free. Auvik only charges for certain devices, such as firewalls, switches, et...
What needs improvement with Auvik?
We schedule backups in the middle of the night, and a high volume of data passes through our networks during those backups because it backs up everything for a couple of hours. That generates alert...

Also Known As

Awake Security Platform
No data available

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Sample Customers

- Dolby Laboratories- Seattle Genetics- ARM Energy- Ooma- Prophix- Yapstone
Find out what your peers are saying about Arista NDR vs. Auvik Network Management (ANM) and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
787,061 professionals have used our research since 2012.