As a replacement for Oracle RAC where there's need:
- More than four servers
- Dynamically deployable servers
- Split access between the transnational and reporting on the same data store.
As a replacement for Oracle RAC where there's need:
Effectively, there still remain some issues with a containerized deployment, so we have opted for a non-containerized deployment. This makes pack distribution a little more time-consuming.
This is an extremely robust, enterprise-grade solution that inherits all of the same reliability aspects of Ingress.
This is a very scalable environment both linear, horizontally and vertically.
Oracle RAC and Informix. The single reason for moving off Oracle was the hard limit of four servers in a RAC and the degradation of performance at that. Meaning Oracle really is not scalable across servers, but requires massive increase in individual server specs.
Oracle and Informix are more costly deployments and support models, from a pure licensing perspective.
This was a straightforward one-to-one activity, and both Oracle and Informix database were fully able to be completely comfortable within a day.
In-house team with advice from the vendor.
Recovery of investment was less than four months.
I believe this is a negotiation issue with any organization that is based on the size of footprint looked at. Hence our experience would not be applicable. But negotiate, negotiate, and negotiate.
Yes numerous options, include HANA, MongoDB, MySQL, and MS SQL. None of which were sufficiently scalable or at our size, cost effective.
The backup utility tools such as pg_restore and pg_dump are really convenient and efficient tools to handle backup and recovery.
We have deployed the database to support our tax management system.
It suffers issues ranging from data corruption to failing to delete temporary files which then necessitate us having to perform server restarts.
We have had no issues with the deployment.
The database has had stability issues.
The database has been able to support about three million taxpayers.
It's very easy and straightforward to deploy.
I would encourage any organization to adopt the solution as long as they are ready to invest in training and research. Supporting a PostgreSQL database requires highly skilled personnel.