55 Points
10 Years
User Activity
About 7 years ago
Answered a question: Looking Into Implementing a Web Security Solution.
Web security solution? Zscaler or Symantec Web Security Service, or even on-prem box like a Symantec (Bluecoat) SG300/600. A Fortigate/Palo Alto/Check Point is a firewall, not even by far the same technology branch when you want web security. In SSL interception not 1…
About 10 years ago
Contributed a review of DX Spectrum: It is invaluable in fault resolution but the topology features need improvement.
About 10 years ago
DX Spectrum
About me
Network Security Expert. Providing network and network security solutions best fitted for applicative requirements upholding user/client requirements and security protection and countermeasures. Sound knowledge of the ITIL best practices and very process-aware.
Experience with complex converged network environments and pro-active and reactive monitoring.
Certified in various fields of technology, including lead vendors such as Check Point, Microsoft, Cisco and well-known standardization organizations such as CompTIA, ITIL.
>10y Experience with vendors such as Check Point, BlueCoat, Cisco, Juniper, InfoBlox, NetScreen, Ucopia, BlueSecure, F5, Fortinet, Palo Alto, Aruba Networks, CA, Ubiquiti, Microsoft, Linux, ...
Specialties: Network Architecture / Design / Implementation / Operation
Complex Converged Network Environments
Network Security Best Practices