55 Points
10 Years
User Activity
Over 5 years ago
Answered a question: Should I Move to Hyper Converged? Why?
Should I or Shouldn’t I – that is the HCI question
Not to wax poetic over a simple engineering decision – but HCI is about understanding the size and scale of your applications space. Currently, most HCI implementations are limited to 32 nodes. This can make for a very…
Over 6 years ago
Answered a question: What Is The Biggest Difference Between Nutanix And VMware vSAN?
I have written about this comparison before – the difference between Nutanix and VMware VSAN is like a Stanich Garage Grinder (Rated best burger in the US) vs getting a slab of Romaine Lettuce from California
Nutanix is a full meal deal – Vmware VSAN is a single…
Over 6 years ago
Answered a question: DataCore Virtual SAN vs Nutanix, which do you recommend?
In a two product comparison, three elements are required. A list of pros and cons for each product and the weighting criteria you will use to score the competitors
As a bowler, I love my golf score. For Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, I focus on mid-size (>500…
Over 6 years ago
Answered a question: What's the best way to trial hyper-converged (HCI) solutions?
Selecting an HCI path is pretty straightforward and it goes through the cloud. You first select your workloads and what performance is needed for success. Since the key differentiation across HCI platforms today is software - you should be able to construct a target load…
About 7 years ago
Answered a question: What's the 2018 Market Outlook for Companies Selling Rack Servers?
For rack servers you have two paths - Large Vendor support and White box. In the White Box market you can save a few dollars and build your own - but then self insure, as all subsequent issues with software and driver incompatibilities and problems are on you. This is a…
About 7 years ago
Answered a question: What is the biggest difference between SimpliVity and Nutanix
If you are trying to understand one key difference between SimpliVity and Nutanix it is Flexibility
Nutanix is deployed on platforms across most major hardware platforms from Lenovo, Dell EMC, Cisco etc.
It runs on HyperV from Microsoft, VMWare ESXi and even provides its…
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: Are there any comparisons of HPE & Cisco servers using Benchmarks?
I suggest checking the key benchmark sites directly – TPC-C, SAP etc. Each benchmark is designed to test a specific system capability
I have attached the URL’s. The SAP testing is…
About 8 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Enterprise Flash Array Storage, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
AFA's have two major advantages over spinning disk - latency and IOPS - so you must understand your workload before jumping into an AFA selection process. Today, the AFA costs 3-5x more than a traditional array. When that price delta narrows to 50% more, I will probably be…
About 8 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Blade Servers, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
There is only one question I ask about blade servers - Will it make life easier as an administrator? Compared to pizza-box rack mount systems virtually all blades have similar physical capabilities, shared power, shared networking and shared management. But some systems…
Over 8 years ago
Contributed a review of Cisco UCS B-Series: The UCS Manager uses a single pane of glass to monitor, deploy and provision servers.
Over 8 years ago
Cisco UCS B-Series
Over 6 years ago
Software Defined Storage (SDS)
About 8 years ago
All-Flash Storage
About 8 years ago
Blade Servers
About me
By "Integrating People with Technology" I help clients define problems they seek to solve then manage deliverables so they get what they expect from their technology investments.
I am dedicated to advancing "utility computing" where data centers of shared compute and storage resources deliver services across smart networks to intelligent devices attached to end users.
Innovation, perspiration and risk taking anchor a career discovering opportunities, solving problems and inventing solutions. My successful IT services startup used customer-first focus and strategic insights to win Fortune 500 business. I leveraged these qualities at HP, Intel and Cisco to advance my core mission to redefine how we deliver and consume computing services.
I moved early to advocate for converged architectures and advance integrated systems like VCE Vblocks into a wide range of enterprise data center clients for Supply Chain and financial services applications that just cannot go down. Now the quest moves to how best to manage the data center.
- Driving effective, lasting change
- Picking winning strategic directions
- Building and supporting successful teams