One of the most popular comparisons on IT Central Station is DataCore Virtual SAN vs Nutanix.
One user says about DataCore Virtual SAN, "Mirroring is the most valuable feature because I can provide a high-level of service and optimize the use of obsolete storage."
Another user says about Nutanix, "As a system integrator, Nutanix offers a highly standardized solution which can be deployed in a timely fashion compared to legacy three-tier, generation one converged, and most competing for hyper-converged solutions. This allows us to move quickly with a small team or architects and implementation specialists for large projects."
In your opinion, which is better and why?
I think Nutanix is suitable for medium companies because it is an appliance with standardization, compatibility between equipment; but for the same reason, it is bad for scalability if you try to scale your environment with other appliances from other vendors. Whereas DataCore needs more professionality and experience.
In a two product comparison, three elements are required. A list of pros and cons for each product and the weighting criteria you will use to score the competitors.
As a bowler, I love my golf score. For Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, I focus on mid-size (>500 employees, >$200M) companies and enterprises. Both products let you build your own Hyper-Converged Infrastructure. I give DataCore high marks for its SAN and storage focus but I see Nutanix as a stronger vehicle for mid-size organizations looking at hybrid-cloud and higher levels of feature sophistication.
While striving for neutrality - I favor Nutanix for my customers. The incremental costs are manageable and this group is less interested in building than buying services. For many smaller customers - especially ones who will go the extra mile to save a buck and see options like Scale I/O from EMC or VMWare's VSAN as too expensive, I expect DataCore Virtual San to find a good home.
As the HCI standard bearer the application support question is very clear for Nutanix, both from the SW vendor and Nutanix. The DataCore support path is fuzzier. DataCore is of interest to customers seeking to re-purpose a brownfield array of older servers for an application they are very familiar with. Most larger IT shops have no time to build something out and will pay for reliability and reduced risk given the mass of users they support.
We have a long-term really good experience with DataCore and recommend this solution.
Main reasons are…
§ All needed storage functionality integrated
§ Hardware independent
§ Very flexible and scalable solution which can be smoothly integrated (no hard cut off from existing platforms – easy migration possible)
§ Good pricing (even if you compare with other solutions)
I have used nutanix now for almost a year and the product just works. I sleep at night knowing my systems replicate from one data center to the other
Donot Go with Nutanix . Comes with a lot of investment and secondly a lot of things is hyped and they are really seeing a lot of performance issues. Most of their features comes under their own hypervisor AHV and you would still require a Vcenter as you cant manage your entire datacenter with Prism alone