User Activity
Over 1 year ago
Contributed a review of UiPath: Can function 24 hours a day, has a great user community, and reduces the cost of automation
Almost 2 years ago
Contributed a review of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: Helps with decision making, reliable, and make information gathering simple
Almost 2 years ago
Contributed a review of AuraQuantic: Responsive support, easy to use, and reliable
Almost 2 years ago
Answered a question: Which RPA solutions offer no-code robotic process automation?
We do have UiPath StudioX for low-code automations, And it really depends on the complexity of the tasks you are planning to automate. You can join UiPath Academy where you can find easy ways to use it.
Almost 2 years ago
Answered a question: Can RPA interface with any application?
Yes, you can use several applications, and also you can use APIs for your automations, if you have questions you can also join UiPath Community, and look for topics related to the applications you are planning to interact with. It is also UiPath Academy where you can try it…
About 2 years ago
Answered a question: What advice do you have for others considering Oracle Application Express (APEX)?
It depends if you will have someone dedicated to APEX, I would rate it an 8 out of 10.
Over 2 years ago
Answered a question: What advice do you have for others considering AuraQuantic?
My advice would be to start with a simple process, for instance, an IT ticket or a request for a specific area in the organization, meanwhile you will be getting experience with BPM, so it will be easier every time you get a new proposal to give a solution with AuraQuantic…
About 3 years ago
Answered a question: How do I choose between UiPath and Microsoft Power Automate?
My point of view: to be honest, I have been working just with UiPath. Also, I tried to use Microsoft Power Automate twice. However, it was a little bit different, so I didn't like it
UiPath really works for me and, of course, for the company.
You can try both products to…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What are the key reasons to adopt an RPA solution?
I consider the following main reasons to adopt an RPA solution: know specifically what you want to do, whether automation could improve your work, and also how fewer people you want to have to do something repetitively
Those are some reasons for you to join the "RPA world".
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: IBM digital business automation with UiPath vs IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere?
Sincerely we are just using UiPath, I haven't tryied Automation Anywhere however I've heard it's easy to use too.
Almost 4 years ago
Contributed a review of UiPath Process Mining: Provides us with nearly complete control and reduces user time
About 4 years ago
Contributed a review of UiPath: Reduces our time working on activities
Almost 2 years ago
Manufacturing control for a textile companyThe application gives you the control of every existing item (inventory) and the necessary items for creations.
Almost 2 years ago
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
Almost 4 years ago
UiPath Process Mining
Almost 2 years ago
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
About 2 years ago
Rapid Application Development Software
Over 2 years ago
Business Process Management (BPM)
About 3 years ago
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Over 3 years ago
Business Process Management (BPM)
About me
My name is Emilio
I'm a programmer
I use to develop in RPA UiPath, Oracle APEX and BPMN AuraQuantic
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Almost 2 years ago