20 Points
6 Years
User Activity
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What are the advantages of AppDynamics vs Dynatrace?
AppDynamics provides a longer baseline period.
It better helps us in decreasing false alerts and increasing the quality of health rules.
DT's one agent is a "big guy" (disk space, etc), not every machine has the space for this big guy.
About 6 years ago
Contributed a review of Layer7 API Management: The product implementation was complex, but the tool has a good user interface and is easy to use
Over 6 years ago
Contributed a review of Splunk AppDynamics: Helps to quickly triage problems. Its cost can be improved.
About 6 years ago
Layer7 API Management
Over 3 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability